venerdì 28 aprile 2017

piazza garraffello day 196


the durex tropic story (pt.4)

it calls nothing. don´t think about that this fence against garbage to construct needed 11 years for passing all permissions in the italian bureaucracy. the plan to construct this fence was born after the dismantling of my cathedral of garbage in 2006. taste the waste.

lunedì 24 aprile 2017

piazza garraffello day 192

diane 7 

the most awesome french girl i ever met. she was coming with her mother by the ship from tunis and the first stop was the piazza garraffello. while her mother was looking for all different fantasies of sicilian destruction, she was sitting behind me. she didn´t talk, she didn´t pay attention to the chaotic noise ambiente around.

lunedì 17 aprile 2017

piazza garraffello giorno 185


stamattina alle sette valentino gridava dal balcone che trovava un pupazzo enorme nell´uovo di pasqua. oggi vuole vendere questo almeno per 2 euro al bancomat. costanza che dici? tipo prego un souvenir della vucciria! prima che crolla tutto!

sabato 15 aprile 2017

piazza garraffello giorno 183


costanza mi raccontava che valentino, l´uomo dei pupazzi colorati di costanza, con l´assistente samuele vendevano questi pupazzi tipo: prego un souvenir della vucciria! prima che crolla tutto! loro guadagnavano 3 euro. dopo 30 minuti lui chiedeva samuele, cosa facciamo? compriamo una gazzsosa! tutte due andavano a comprare le gazzose. dopo un roló per valentino. poi un gelato per samuele. discussioni economici ovviamente.

martedì 11 aprile 2017

piazza garraffello giorno 179


in tutti questi 179 giorni fino ogni cittadino che passa al bancomat é sempre un ottimo investimento per il nostro futuro splendito

love in your hands, 

mercoledì 5 aprile 2017

piazza garraffello day 173


the durex tropic story (pt.3)

sure it isn´t easy to understand for italian visiters they come in our town to bring us more cash, but this modern architecture tower is properly the highest durex tropic tower in the whole italy. always vertical. every day the tower swells up more than 30 cm into the sky. in the next couple of months we will win 2 or 3 new floors without spending only 1 euro. upstairs is the most expensive apartment ever.

and sure don´t forget the biggest and highest, the durex hotel of porto empedocle since 2009. but its a hotel not a tower. still in sicily, what i did for the 53rd biennale venice in a collateral part of the porn pavilion. it seems that i crossed the line of my heart to go so deep as i can inside the intellect and spirit of the italian contemporary thing directed by the reality. i don´t know this art critic mister achille bonita oliva, the man with the red points up on his big nose, but can you feel how much money you get if you drive inn?

⏩ durex tropic